This is the project (what was provided to me by my instructor):
Family Leave Project
Parenting requires a tremendous amount of time and commitment. Many families struggle to balance the requirements of a job or career with home and family life. Caring for children in a home where both parents work presents a problem for many families. This struggle often begins before the child is born! In this project you will compare parental leave within the United States with one other country.
First read the article, Parental Leave Policies in 21 Countries, Assessing Generosity and Gender Inequality by Ray, Gornick, and Schmitt. Select one country from this article for comparison.
Create a two column table to compare your chosen country with the United States of America.
You may wish to compare paid leave, job security, maternal vs paternal leave, average length of leave, etc. Your table should be no more than one page long.
You may use additional research (not from Wikipedia), to supplement your findings. Be sure to utilize appropriate citations and include these sources in your reference list.
Draft a letter to your senator or representative requesting a change to one current U.S. policy. Please see the document How to Write a letter to a Politician in the readings section of assignments. Please follow the specific format shown in this document.
This assignment must include a correctly formatted APA style cover and reference page.
I've already created my table. I'm doing Denmark vs. US and I have to compare the two with maternity leave. You need these five little things: paid leave, job security, maternal vs paternal leave, average length of leave, etc. The table should be no more than one page long. I don't know where to begin. I stare at the article and it's just an over abundance of facts and data.
I'm just so exhausted and everytime I go to that article, I'm overwhelmed by all the information provided. I just got over having the Norovirus - my kids also came down with it , I haven't had any sleep and I'm trying to do this project and reading this giant article. I'm already behind and I would greatly appreciate a hand or somewhere to start.