
Assessing external candidates-develop an assessment


Action Plan to Recruit, Select, & Onboard Sunshine Staffing Sales Manager

Organizational Background:

You are the Human Resources Manager (HRM) at Sunshine Staffing, a locally owned staffing agency that helps organizations (predominately manufacturing and pharmaceutical) solve their temporary and long term employment needs. You joined the team of Sunshine Staffing ten years ago and admittedly, the agency has experienced slow growth due to lack of attainment of new clients, lack of expansion with current clients, and the lack of quality of the individuals who do apply to be placed on jobs. You are part of an executive team that consists of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), and a Sales Manager that is responsible for bringing on new clients and then managing their accounts. Your primary role as HRM is to recruit, select, and onboard qualified individuals to fulfill the employment needs of all clients.

SWOT Analysis:
Feedback from previous and current clients, surveys submitted by individuals that have been placed on jobs, and the trending of data
collection has shown the following SWOT (Strength; Weakness; Opportunity; Threat) Analysis:

Because the agency is small, individuals that apply to be placed on job vacancies receive undivided attention and are treated as
part of a welcoming family. Detailed feedback is given and a lot of energy is put into keeping them gainfully employed either with short term or with long term employment options. Weekly contacts are made to make sure a certain comfort level is maintained and to make sure the individuals know how important it is that they make a good impression on the client and that they understand they are appreciated by the agency.

The agency is located in a less then desirable area in the downtown district so potential clients don't typically just "walk-in" or call  based on the address they see in the yellow pages. Additionally, most  individuals that are looking to be placed on a job do not desire to travel  to that part of town.

The opportunity exists to expand their current client base  if they could find qualified individuals in the areas of administration,  engineering, and healthcare.

• Threat:
While this economy has increased the demand for staffing  services - their ability to compete with advertising, assessments, and  benefits decreases day by day due to slow growth rate. Their most  immediate threat is the staffing agency around the corner, the staffing  agency 5 miles away, and the staffing agency on the other side of town.

The Goal:
The Sales Manager has turned in his resignation effective in 30 days. You  need to replace him as soon as possible - but you admittedly feel a little  discouraged at your ability to be successful with this initiative. Your  primary goal is to legally and equitably hire someone to replace the Sales  Manager who meets the requirements regarding education, work  experience, and personality to ensure positive stakeholder reactions as  discussed in Chapter 9.

The Ideal Candidate:
The ideal candidate will have a graduate degree, 10 years of experience in a relevant environment (Sales, Staffing, Human Resources, Marketing), and a willingness to travel.


• Develop the Recruiting Message
• Develop a Realistic Job Preview (RJP)
• Instead of Developing a Recruiting Guide, list 5 EEOC Best Recruiting
• Practices that will be observed & why chosen

Selection: Assessing External Candidates: Develop an Assessment

• Indicate screening assessment method & why chosen
• Indicate Evaluative assessment method & why chosen
• Indicate Contingent assessment method & why chosen
• Onboarding: Choosing & Hiring Candidates
• Indicate how employee will be selected: Hurdles or Compensatory
• Approach & Why
• Create the competitive Job Offer
• Create the Rejection Letter

Action Plan Structural Guidelines

• This paper is an Action Plan and not a research paper. Thus, this  assignment can be single spaced.

• Even though this assignment is not a research paper and we do not have  to adhere to APA style, we still need to give credit to the authors of  sources that we use for research. Thus, we will still find ourselves citing  our sources (i.e., Phillips & Gully, 2013).

• Even though this assignment is not a research paper and we do not have  to adhere to APA style, we still need to list all sources that we use to  supplement our paper on its very own page. So while there is no  required format for listing these sources - nonetheless, they must be  listed.

• Please use a minimum of 4 sources for this Action Plan (with one of them  being our textbook for class)

• This Action Plan will be assessed against a rubric. This rubric is the  grading system listed in our class syllabus on page 3.

• Please make this Action Plan a minimumof 8 single spaced OR 12 double spaced pages.

Here is the required single spaced format:

• Page 1: Title Page
• Page 2: Recruiting Message & Realistic Job Preview - same page but  separate items
• Page 3: EEOC Best Practices
• Page 4: Screening Assessment, Evaluative Assessment, Contingent Assessment
• Page 5: Hurdles or Compensatory Aproach
• Page 6: Competitive Job Offer (written in official 1 page letter format)
• Page 7: Rejection Letter (written in official 1 page letter format)
• Page 8: List of 4 (or more) sources used for this Action Plan

Here is the required double spaced format:

• Page 1: Title Page
• Page 2: Recruiting Message
• Page 3: Realistic Job Preview
• Pages 4 & 5: EEOC Best Practices
• Page 6: Screening Assessment
• Page 7: Evaluative Assessment
• Page 8: Contingent Assessment
• Page 9: Hurdles or Compensatory Approach
• Page 10: Competitive Job Offer (written in official 1 page letter format)
• Page 11: Rejection Letter (written in official 1 page letter format)
• Page 12: List of 4 (or more) sources used for this Action Plan

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Business Management: Assessing external candidates-develop an assessment
Reference No:- TGS01965740

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