
Assess which forces for change are causing hp to undertake

Case Analysis Questions

Answer the following in up to 175- words each:

1. Describe supertrends that are driving HP to change.

2. Assess which forces for change are causing HP to undertake major organizational change. Write on competion and technology advances.

3. Recommend how Meg Whitman could use Lewin's and Kotter's models of change to increase the probability of achieveing positive organizational change.

4. DeterminehowHP is following the four steps for fostering innovation.

5. What has happened with HP since this case was written? Determine whether the implementation of these changes has been successful. Explain what could have been done differently.

Attachment:- Hewlett-Packard Case Study Analysis.rar

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Operation Management: Assess which forces for change are causing hp to undertake
Reference No:- TGS02911915

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