
Assess the type of retail outlet ring security doorbell


"Ring Security"

Review the Ring Security Doorbell product.

Format: 2-4 pages, typed, double-spaced.

Assess the type of retail outlet Ring Security Doorbell utilizes by reviewing the strategic issues in retail Include in your response a description of the profile of the end-user and the location in which they are placed.

As the marketing manager at Ring Security Doorbell, what might be your communication objective that you would like to achieve to support the growth of the brand?

Using the factors essential in developing a campaign, omitting the cost and availability factor) , what might the traditional and non-traditional promotional vehicles be used to meet your communication? How will they be integrated?

Using the general steps in the personal selling process, how does/should a sales person greet its customer in order to "close the sale?" Please be very specific in the questions that would be asked.

Describe 2 sales promotions that could be used with Ring Security Doorbell (consistent with your communication objection stated in. How are they supporting your objective? How might they be measured to understand their effectiveness? What factors did you consider in determining the type of sales promotion to use?

What types of variable and fixed costs are involved in a Ring Security Doorbell product? Briefly discuss 2 types of alternatives used in the pricing of business products that might be used with the suppliers to Ring Security. Why might the alternatives be effective with this brand?

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Marketing Management: Assess the type of retail outlet ring security doorbell
Reference No:- TGS02059231

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