
Assess the risks posed by the offender


Classification and Supervision in Probation and Parole: In 300 Words or more develop a plan for each client and make sure you back up your plan with research ( GOV, Edu,Com, Scholarly Journal). There are two clients in your caseload. Below is the information you have received on each person. Using the Risk and Needs Classification Instrument complete the following:

  1. Assess the risks posed by the offender and select an appropriate supervision assignment based on the risk score.
  2. Score the "needs" level of the client.
  3. If you're able to interview the offender, use the Sample 50 question Interview at the end of this chapter. If an interview is not possible, consider the factors that have placed the client at risk and which factors are related to the offense.
  4. Choose the top three to four problems to develop goals that the client should strive to achieve and action items of what the client needs to do to reach each goal. Then complete the "program plan" part of the assessment.

Case A: Thomas User, Possession of Methamphetamine

Thomas User, 20 years old, has been placed on probation for possession of methamphetamine and Ecstasy. There were no known victims in the current offense. According to the police report, Mr. User was stopped by a police cruiser because he had been standing on the same corner for hours. An outer pat search revealed that he had eight tablets of Ecstasy and he had enough methamphetamine for up to 12 hits.

Mr. User has two previous misdemeanor convictions as a juvenile, one for possession of paint huffing material and one as a minor in possession of alcoholic beverages. He has one misdemeanor conviction as an adult for menacing in the second degree. Mr. Users has remained in the same rental house with two roommates for the last three years. He has been employed at one fast-food restaurant for 7 months out of the last 12 months. He drinks "recreationally on occasion", he uses drug but has not been assessed for drug treatment. Mr.

User has an IQ of 68 but with no signs of mental illness. He is high school dropout, having completed only 10th grade. He doesn't have a GED. He is in good physical health and has mentioned to be sexually abused in the past by a former boyfriend, for which he wants to be tested for HIV. He seems underweight and is missing two teeth. He is single and is not in any relationship right now. He shares his living expenses with his two roommates. He reports that he has fathered one child, but he doesn't know the whereabouts of the child or the mother. The child is about 3 years old and there is no claim by the mother for child support.

Case B. Maria Diaz, Identity Theft

Maria Diaz has been placed under community supervision for identity theft. She pleaded guilty to stealing the identities of 14 different victims from her employer's protected database, opening up accounts in their names and charging merchandise in small amounts, averaging $500.00 per victim, stealing an estimated grade total of around $7,000. She says that she has had significant financial difficulties and has filed for bankruptcy. She is 25 years old, divorced, and has no known juvenile arrest or adjudication history. As an adult she has one prior forgery charge for which she was originally placed on probation (it was revoked for technical violations), and assigned to a halfway house for nine months, where she successfully completed her supervision. Ms. Diaz has a high school diploma, and she has a transient job history.

Her employed time in the last year is estimated to be 50%. She was ordered to pay $7,000 in restitution for her current offense which she has not yet make any payments. Her divorce was finalized one year ago, and her ex-husband is nine months behind on child support payments. She is currently living with her boyfriend, who is allegedly an undocumented immigrant from Mexico. She says that he "is unpredictable... I never know if he'll be home at night or if he'll call and want me to bail him out of jail." Due to the unstable situation with her boyfriend, in the past year, he has been moving back and forth between her sister's and her boyfriend's.

She has one 10 years old dependent child. She and her child are both in good medical health. There is no evidence that alcohol or drug use was related to the current offense, and Ms. Diaz has never attended drug treatment. Her motivation to start restitution payments is low and her attitude is bit problematic, but it is hoped that her resistance will change with motivational interviewing and job training. There is no evidence of developmental disability, sexual dysfunction, or emotional problems, and Ms. Diaz does not report being on any medications for mental or physical problems.

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Business Law and Ethics: Assess the risks posed by the offender
Reference No:- TGS02972697

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