
Assess the risk for the hazards

Discuss the below:


• On completion of this assessment students should be able to:

• demonstrate the ability to apply contemporary methods and concepts in the identification of hazards and assessment of risk,

• demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate control measures and management activities to eliminate or minimise hazards,

• identify legal obligations in work health and safety,

• demonstrate research and report writing skills.

General Report requirements

Designed to provide you with the opportunity to inquire into a work health and safety problem in-depth. The focus for this assessment will be on hazards that could occur in a potential emergency in the workplace of your choice. You have a choice of which workplace you focus on but ideally it should be an organisation that you have had some personal experience in. If you do not have access to a workplace you should choose an organisation that you have some knowledge of (e.g. school, university, hospital). You must identify how you sourced information to complete this report.

Your assignment will be a practically focused detailed report which investigates and provides recommendations in an organisation of your choice. You should assume the role of an WHS consultant when completing the report. You should report your findings to a senior person within that organisation.

You must seek permission of the organisation if you intend to interview, survey or undertake questionnaires of the organisation's staff. Your report will be kept confidential. Your tutor (internal students) or course coordinator (external students) will be happy to provide written confirmation of confidentiality should the organisation require it. You should not identify the organisation by name - the use of a pseudonym is suggested.

Word length - it will be 2500 words in length and structured with headings and sub-headings to make it easy to read. Penalties apply for assignments 10% over or under the word limit. Word limit count commences, and includes, the Executive Summary.

You should review report formatting examples and provide your report using a suitable format. Marks are awarded for suitable formatting.

References - it will draw upon 10 references and include text books, journal articles, government websites, case law and legislation.

Specific Report requirements

Your report must include the following:


Provide a detailed description of the methods you used to gain information for this report including any limitations of these methods. Remember this is a practical report and you need to tell the reader what methods (including research) you actually used that assisted you. You may wish to consider including checklists (e.g. from relevant Codes of Practice) surveys or questionnaires as marks will be awarded for breadth of methods as well as your description and understanding of the suitability of your methods. You should ensure you identify suitable methods for the hazards you identified.

Identify, describe and assess hazards

Describe the worksite and identify and provide a detailed description of two hazards that could impact upon work health and safety in that worksite. Ensure you explain who may be impacted and the cause(s) of these hazards. You should be very specific and provide a detailed explanation of the cause(s). Depending on the nature of the hazard you should refer to research that confirms why the causes create a hazard.

Assess the risk for the hazards you identify using a risk assessment matrix.

Create a risk register detailing your recommendations.

Legal implications

Outline and explain the relevant legislation (Act, Regulations and Codes) that applies for the two hazards you have identified.

Written Presentation

The report should be presented as a professional document addressed to someone senior within the organisation, and include a title page, acknowledgments, brief summary of findings (executive summary), contents page, body of report (including suitable headings and sub-headings), conclusion and appendices (if appropriate). You should review report writing protocols. Any appendices should be specifically relevant to your report. Assignments which do not address all of the report requirements will automatically receive 0 for presentation. Note your assignment should be practically focused and you should assume the role of a WHS consultant.

Appendices necessary to support the report will not be included in the word count although care should be taken not to include unnecessary appendices as this detracts from overall presentation. Word limit commences and includes the Executive summary but does not include references, risk assessment tables or documents that are in the appendices, but prepared by others.

Title page (on front of report, suitable title, prepared for, prepared by, date, single page)

Itemise each part of the report and use page numbers on the right hand side

Acknowledgements (acknowledge whoever helped you- brief)(single page)

CONTENTS Page number?

1. Introduction (introduce the organization and purpose of this report)

2. Methods (brief description of information and methods YOU used to write the report and id hazards- in some cases you might want to explain why not all methods used these should be well incorporated into your report)

3. Hazards Identified (descriptions of the hazards, how they occur, who they impact upon, detail causes, include a risk assessment and use of suitable risk assessment matrix)

3.1 Hazard one-eg: Fall from height

3.2Hazard two- eg: Hit by moving machinery

4. Recommendations for control (Discussion about most suitable controls ALARP Risk register this will summarise in table form your hazards control measures using the hierarchy of controls)

5. Legal Implications (Act, and relevant Regs and Codes- the more specific to the hazard the better)

6. Conclusion- Summarise

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Risk Management: Assess the risk for the hazards
Reference No:- TGS01793312

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