
Assess the organizational culture in which this manager

Assignment: Principles of managment

Compose a 2- to 3-page, APA-formatted paper addressing the following:

1. Select a manager and assess his or her communication strengths based on assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.

2. Assess that same manager's communication weaknesses using the assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.

3. Defend 2-3 recommendations for management performance improvement in communications based on sound, academically credible concepts and theories from assigned reading and academically credible research.

4. Assess the organizational culture in which this manager works, including how the culture might be impacting employee performance in the manager's area.

Include an APA-formatted reference list and a title page (these do not count toward the minimum page requirements).

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Business Management: Assess the organizational culture in which this manager
Reference No:- TGS02326213

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