
Assess the moral implication concerning the conflict

Assignment Task: The books is The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings by Richard Bullock, Deborah Bertsch, Maureen Daly Goggin

Discuss how Latinas are treated and stereotyped in our culture as well as the cultural differences when it comes to the treatment of women and how they dress in their Latin countries versus here.

Please explain the major ideas stated in the essay, "The Myth of the Latin Woman" (913) as well as well as your personal knowledge and experiences dealing with this topic if you have any (if you do not, do not worry about it; the essay from the textbook is sufficient); make sure that you use parenthetical documentation to document the info. taken from your textbook and include a Works Cited page also (minimum 500 words, maximum 600 words).

PS. Make sure that you show the reader that you have read the assigned essay from our textbook (use specifics from the assigned essay), thought about it, and reacted to the issues discussed in it. Use your best vocabulary and sophisticated expressions to join in the academic conversation concerning the issues discussed in the assigned essay from your textbook.

Objectives: for this assignment, the student will

Write a well-developed documented essay (between 500 and 600 words) about a specific topic on a reading/s from One World, Many Cultures.

Use and correctly cite the reading/s according to MLA style.

Identify the major social issues in the reading/s.

Analyze the conflict in the reading/s.

Assess the moral implication concerning the conflict.

Your essay should be a minimum of 500 and a maximum of 600 words; follow MLA guidelines for formatting, documenting, and listing sources on the Works Cited page; look up the examples in the handbook on how to cite an entry from an anthology because our textbook, One World, Many Cultures is an anthology.


Introduction: you should identify the major issue(s) (one or two issues the most) of the essay(s) and your intellectual reaction to them.

Body: you should systematically address your areas of agreement and disagreement with the author(s) giving reasons, facts, and examples. Be specific and detailed. The evidence should be connected to your major issue(s) of discussion. If you are responding to multiple essays, you may compare and contrast the authors based on your major issue. Be sure to cite the page when you are using specific ideas or quotes. Note that your personal beliefs, if they are to be considered valid, must be supported by facts and logic. For example, you may not simply say "The death penalty is wrong." You must provide facts and logic that lead the reader to the inescapable conclusion that the death penalty is wrong. If you cannot back up a statement with facts and logic, leave the statement out of the paper.

Conclusion: Summarize your reaction and state your ideas about the significance of the issue, its implications, and future actions for the solution of the problem or issue.

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English: Assess the moral implication concerning the conflict
Reference No:- TGS03416118

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