
Assess the internal validity of model

Assignment Task: You are interested in explaining democratic backsliding. You are considering two models.

Model 1: Backsliding = β0 + β1GDP + β2GDP1000 + θiControls + u

where GDP refers to the total GDP of the country and

GDP1000 indicates the value of GDP expressed in $1000.

Model 2: Backsliding = β0 + β1GDP + β2Globalisation + θiControls + u

where globalisation is an index of economic openness.

Answer the following questions:

1. Assess the internal validity of model. Please justify your answer with as much as detail as possible.

2. What is the main challenge when estimating model? Please justify your answer with as much as detail as possible.

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Microeconomics: Assess the internal validity of model
Reference No:- TGS03219076

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