Assess the importance of policy analysis during the


Understanding Public Policy

In a three to four page APA paper (not including cover and reference pages), address the following:

• Assess the importance of policy analysis during the development and implementation stages of public policy.
• Discuss the social impact of policies.
• Discuss the limitations policies have on government power.

Use at least one of the assigned articles to support your position and cite the reference appropriately.

Text for this course all 6 weeks

• Dye, T.R. (2010). Understanding public policy (13th ed.). Longman: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Articles you might keep this list may come up all 6 weeks and maybe it will help you with doing the assignments

• Anderson, C. W. (1988). Political judgment and policy analysis. Public Administration Quarterly, 11(4), 439-462. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Boerner, K. & Uebelmesser, S. (2007). Migration and the welfare state: The economic power of the non-voter? International Tax and Public Finance, 14(1), 93-111. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Eisinger, P. (2006). Imperfect federalism: The intergovernmental partnership for Homeland Security. Public Administration Review, 66(4), 537-545. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Flannery, N.P. (2014, March 24). Can corporate leaders push through immigration reform in 2014? Forbes. Retrieved from

• Fossett, J.W., Ouellette, A.R., Philpott, S., Magnus, D. & McGee, G. (2007). Federalism & bioethics: States and moral pluralism. The Hastings Center Report, 37(6), 24-35. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Gould, J.B. (2002). Playing with fire: The civil liberties implications of September 11th. Public Administration Review: Special Issue, 62, 74-79. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Haller, S.F. & Gerrie, J. (2007). The ole of science in public policy: Higher reason, or reason for hire? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 20(2), 139-165. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Harvey, J.T. (2013, May 1). Austerity leads to...austerity! Forbes. Retrieved from

• Houston, M.J. & Rothschild, M.L. (1980). Policy-related experiments on information provision: A normative model and explication. JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, 17(4), 432. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Hubbard, R. G., Skinner & J., Zeldes, S. P. (1994). Expanding the life-cycle model: Precautionary saving and public policy. The American Economic Review, 84(2), 174. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Kramer, H. (2014, February 11). How immigration reform - or lack thereof - is hurting our economic competiveness. Forbes. Retrieved from

• Lavis, J.N., Posada, F.B., Haines, A. & Osei, E. (2004). Use of research to inform public policymaking. The Lancet, 364(9445), 1615-21. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Nordhaus, R. & Danish, K.W. (2005). Assessing the options for designing a mandatory U. S. greenhouse gas reduction program. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 32(1), 97-163. Retrieved from ProQuest database.

• Taylor, J.B. (1993). Discretion versus policy rules in practice. Retrieved from

• Witko, C. (2006). PACs, issue context, and congressional decision making. Political Research Quarterly, 59(2), 283-292, 294-295. Retrieved from ProQuest database.


• Forbes. (2012, February 13). Risk on, austerity wins in Greece [Video file]. Retrieved from

• Forbes. (2013, March 10). Steve Case crowdfunds America: SXSW Forbes exclusive[Video file]. Retrieved from

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