Assess the economic viability of during 4 years
Project description:
Assess the economic viability of during 4 years
1- Introduction about (half page)
2- Business model (half page)
3- Strategic analysis includes: (4 pages)
Assess the economic viability of during 4 years
1- Introduction about (half page)
2- Business model (half page)
3- Strategic analysis includes: (4 pages
Value Proposition
What benefit does the firm offer to its customers?
Industry Analysis:
use Porters 5forces analysis
Include factors specific to the firm
Value chain, core competencies and synergies, technology, legal and social challenges.
4- Financial Analysis during (2010-2014): (5 pages)
Statement of Operations (Income Statement)
Cost of sales
Gross margin
Operating expenses
Operating margin
Net margin
Balance sheet
Assets, current assets
Liabilities, current liabilities and longterm debt
Working capital:
-Stock chart and describing why the chart going down in some period and why up in other.
o If there are any additional charts, please put them as an appendix.
o Make a table of the financial statements and a 2 pages to describe and analyze the data showing in the tables whether the company making money or not (you may using charts to describe)
5- Future prospects (half page)