
Assess the competitive forces in the marketplace

1. There are two general types of job evaluation methods: those that investigate the job as a whole and those that investigate the job from a variety of components. Choosing one job evaluation method, examine how that method would be the preferable approach to attain comparable worth throughout the organization, and where it would not be the preferable approach

2. Surveys are an important tool to assess the competitive forces in the marketplace regarding pay practices. The most critical step in the survey process is obtaining the proper job match. For an organization you are familiar with, identify a position that would be the match to utilize in your survey, including a brief discussion on the limitations of using this position to determine your organization's overall salary competitiveness in the market.

3. Describe the relevance of performance standards for today's knowledge-directed workers, and how their use will result in a more competitive compensation and benefit strategy

4. Compare and contrast when it would be preferable to motivate employee performance through short-term incentives versus long-term incentives, and vice-versa

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HR Management: Assess the competitive forces in the marketplace
Reference No:- TGS0525080

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