
Assess the change agents motivation and resources


Two theories involved in the implementation of change are Lewin's theory and Lippitt's theory.

The three stages of Lewin's theory include:
Unfreezing: the time when change is needed
Moving: when change is initiated
Refreezing: after change is implemented and balance is restored
Lippitt's theory involves seven phases:
Diagnose the problem
Assess motivation and capacity for change
Assess the change agent's motivation and resources
Select progressive change objective
Choose appropriate role of the change agent
Maintain change
Terminate the helping relationship
(Mitchell, 2013).

Both theories involve a framework for the assessment, implementation, and evaluation of change, but Lippitt's theory follows the nursing process and involves a more in-depth and detailed assessment, motivation, and evaluation of the change (Mitchell, 2013).

I feel that either theory could be used in the implementation of my EBP project, but Lippitt's theory is more in depth and comprehensive which makes for a better plan. The stage that is the most important to me is selecting the progressive change objective, or developing a plan. The plan should include details such as timelines, deadlines, and responsibilities (Classroom.com, n.d.). This is similar to the individual success plan we did in week 1 to help us make our plan and follow through. Having a structure for the change and how to implement it make the task of change seem achievable.

My mentor states that she has used these theories many times, but without knowledge of following a specific theory. Being that Lippitt's theory closely resembles the nursing process, this is probably one she has instinctively followed.


Classroom.com. (n.d.). How to apply Lippitts theory of change in nursing. Retrieved from Classroom.com:

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Other Subject: Assess the change agents motivation and resources
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