
Assess target communitys bicycle related injuries over the

Purpose: Comment the Discussion

To Comment

I. Topic - Bicycle Safety and Helmet Use

II. Target Audience

  • a. Parents - Role models/set & enforce rules
  • b. Children- Likely to follow direction of parents
  • c. Adolescents - Take greater risks

III. Bicycle Safety and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Among Children

a. The numbers

  • i. 26,000 children and adolescents are treated annually emergence department for TBI (CDC, 2018)
  • ii. 5-year Los Angeles study (American Academy of Pediatrics)

1. 1,248 children involved in bicycle-related accidents

2. Only 11% wore helmets

3. Only 34% returned to their pre-injury capacity.

4. 9 children died, 8 of the children were not wearing helmets

b. Most injuries/deaths are preventable

  • i. Sweden has the lowest number of bicycle-related mortalities globally due to local and national initiatives targeting helmet use among children (Ekman & Ekman, 2012)

IV. Objectives/Goals

a. Encourage the use of bicycle helmets among the target audience

V. Interventions

a. Select target community

  • i. Encourage parents to use bicycle helmets

1. Children likely to emulate parents

  • ii. Educate adolescents regarding potential outcomes of not wearing a helmet

1. Use educational videos

  • iii. Teach proper size and fit to target groups

VI. Evaluation

a. Assess target community's bicycle related injuries over the period of 1 year since bicycle helmet campaign

i. Compare injuries while riding with helmet to those without helmets

b. Review data from previous years

c. Release data to the local public for review

i. Statistical data "close to home" may possibly be taken more seriously than data acquired distant areas.


American Academy of Pediatrics. (2013). Only 11 Percent of Children Involved in Bike Accidents Wear a Helmet.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Head Injuries and Bicycle Safety.

Ekman, D. S., & Ekman, R. (2012). Twenty-five years of bicycle helmet promotion for children in Skaraborg District, Sweden. International Journal Of Injury Control & Safety Promotion, 19(3), 213-217. doi:10.1080/17457300.2012.707217

Thing to Remember:

• Answer this discussion with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources.

• 1 References, find resources that are 5 years or less

• No errors with APA format 6 Edition

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Dissertation: Assess target communitys bicycle related injuries over the
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