
Assess how common goals for a student are determined

Complete this week's assignment based on your option of Non-Field or Field Experience:

Non-Field Experience-

Research and identify three key agencies involved with transition services in a local school system.

To get started on this assignment, you could respond to the components below in terms of general practice or identify a specific student and review the present transition services being provided.

A. Assess how common goals for a student are determined.

B. Explain how community services agencies are connected and working for a common goal.

C. Identify the transition services that can be provided.

D. Explain how strategies are identified.

E. Explain how the continuum of transition passages is addressed.

G. Identify the method of service monitoring and follow-up to be utilized.

H. Analysis/recommendations for change initiatives

Demonstrate an understanding of the complex connections and relationships that exist among the identified agencies and the coordination planning needed for successful student services.

Field Experience Option-

Interview school personnel, in person or via electronic means to:

Identify three key agencies involved with transition services in a local school system.

Think about the following in your analysis and be sure to obtain the needed permissions for this assignment, if review of student records will be involved.

A. Assess how common goals for a student are determined.

B. Explain how community services agencies are connected and working for a common goal.

C. Identify the transition services that can be provided.

D. Explain how strategies are identified.

E. Explain how the continuum of transition passages is addressed.

G. Identify the method of service monitoring and follow-up to be utilized.

H. Analysis/recommendations for change initiatives

Demonstrate an understanding of the complex connections and relationships that exist among the identified agencies and the coordination planning needed for successful student services.

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Dissertation: Assess how common goals for a student are determined
Reference No:- TGS01241047

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