
Assess data can affect the evaluation of the implementation

Assignment Task: (2-3 pages)

Evidence Based Practice II

Data Collection and Plan for Analysis. How you collect, manage, and assess data can affect the evaluation of the implementation. If the data collection resources are not functional and/or are not measuring what was meant to be measured, the evaluation and dissemination of results will be flawed. Therefore, it is important to consider how you will assess the data collected and determine if what you are using is working.

For this Assignment, you will assess the data you have collected thus far in the implementation. Using your data, determine whether your scorecard is functional and appropriate. You will explore the best approach for analysis to ultimately evaluate the implementation. Need Assignment Help?


Required Readings:

- White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. F. (Eds.). (2019). Translation of evidence into nursing and healthcare (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing.

o Chapter 11, "Data Management and Evaluation of Translation" (pp. 245-254)

- Benetato, B. B., Tillman, J., Corbett, R. W., & Hodges, A. (2021). The doctor of nursing practice project data collection tool: A teaching strategy for data collection. Nursing Education Perspectives, 42(6), E72-E73.

- Bohm, V., Lacaille, D., Spencer, N., & Barber, C. E. H. (2021). Scoping review of balanced scorecards for use in healthcare settings: Development and implementation. BMJ Open Quality, 10(3), e001293.

- Mailat, D., Stoica, D.-A., Surgun, M. B., Traistaru, N. I., &Vranceanu, A. (2019). Balanced scorecard vs. dashboard: Implications and managerial priorities. Academic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 170.

- Victor, S., & Farooq, A. (2021). Dashboard visualisation for healthcare performance management: Balanced scorecard method. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 16(2).

- Wyatt, J. (2004). Scorecards, dashboards, and KPIs keys to integrated performance measurement. Healthcare Financial Management, 58(2), 76-80.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources concerning data collection and plan for analysis.
  • Assess the data collection thus far from your implementation.

The Assignment: (2-3 pages)

Construct a paper describing your organized data collection and plan for analysis. Assess whether your scorecard is functional and whether it measures what it was developed to measure. Explain how you are managing your dashboard.

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Other Subject: Assess data can affect the evaluation of the implementation
Reference No:- TGS03449812

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