
Assess arguments for and against extending voting rights

Assignment task:

Topic: Assess arguments for and against extending voting rights to children and/or adolescents. State whether you are in favor of such an extension and your reasons for being for or against it.

Votes at 16? The case against Philip Cowley & David Denver To cite this article: Philip Cowley & David Denver (2004) Votes at 16? The case against, Representation, 41:1, 57-62, DOI: 10.1080/00344890408523289 To link to this article:

Shukra, Kalbir. "Extending Democracy to Young People: Is It Time for Youth Suffrage?" Youth and policy 116 (2017): 62-78. Print.

The literature review consists of a summary of the arguments in each piece of literature as they relate to your topic. The aim is to convey the content of the literature and to determine how and why it is relevant to your research question.


(i) Academic literature consists of (a) articles from an academic journal, (b) academic books (published by academic presses) and (c) chapter from academic books.

(ii) The summary should focus only on those parts of the literature which are relevant to your research question.

(iv) The literature review may contain two separate sections, one for each piece of literature you find. But you may instead combine the summaries into one continuous text (without separate sections), especially if the summaries can be organised by theme.

(v) Make sure you can identify the thesis of the literature you read (on thesis statements, see, II.(c)(iii) below).

(v) When you refer to your literature, whether quoting directly or paraphrasing, you must do so using the correct academic conventions. The full citations to the literature will be in a reference section at the end of the review.

Provide a summary of both the articles in about 500 words with the tips above.

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Other Subject: Assess arguments for and against extending voting rights
Reference No:- TGS03423471

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