
Assertiveness inventory review


Assertiveness Inventory Review

Visit the Assertiveness Inventory and complete and score the quiz according to the instructions provided. Then, write an account of what you learned about yourself from the inventory. Length: ½ to 1 page, double spaced.

According to the quiz i score a 39 on Assertive (As).

Assertive (As): Scores can range from 0 to 68. A score below 34 would indicate that the person is rarely assertive-that he or she allows others or self to violate his/her rights. A score in the 40's suggests an individual who is fairly assertive in most situations most of the time. A score of 68 suggests that the person is always assertive and may at times appear to be aggressive.

Passive (Pa): Scores can range from 0 to 32. A low score suggests a person who recognizes his/her rights. A high score would indicate that the person tends to avoid confrontation or conflict and rarely stands for self.

Aggressive (Ag): Scores can range from 0 to 40. A score of 30 to 40 suggests an aggressive person.

It is possible to have scores indicating that you are both assertive and aggressive. Combinations may be found when an individual is quick to recognize his/her own personal rights while ignoring the rights of others.

Another common combination is a higher passive score and an above average aggressive score. Such people may be aware of their personal rights, recognize that others take advantage of them and, when pushed may "fly off the handle", violating the rights of individuals who have little or no power. They may also agree to something and then engage in sabotage.

A fairly high "As" score combined with moderately low "Ag" and "Pa" score suggests an individual who recognizes personal rights and the rights of others.

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English: Assertiveness inventory review
Reference No:- TGS01925797

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