
Assembly line workers sales clerks and production personnel

1- Assembly line workers, sales clerks, and production personnel fall into the ofMintzberg's five parts of an organization?

A- technostructure

B- operating core

C- middle line

D- support staff

2- When describing a , we are discussing a shared group expectation of acceptable behavior.

A- norm

B- social system

C- ritual

D- role

3- When describing a , we are discussing the expectations an organization has of a particular position

A- norm

B- social system

C- ritual

D- role

4- What is the primary reason that organizations change their structure through downsizing, outsourcing, and offshoring as a means of improving their operating efficiency?

A. increased speed of operations

B. improved quality of work

C. dissatisfaction with worker performance

D. reduction in labor costs

5- It is difficult to implement an organizational culture change because:

A. there is no agreed upon definition of organizational culture and its components

B. culture is difficult to measure objectively and thus hard to evaluate its change

C. organizational cultures are very consistent across organizations within the same industry

D. you are altering the values and beliefs which have guided the company for many years

6. Feedback can be either positive or negative. T, F

7. Negative entropy is the downstream (easier) process, and entropy is the upstream (harder) process. T, F

8. Organizations impose both quality and quantity control over inputs, throughputs and outputs.T, F

9. The throughput process transforms inputs into outputs.T, F

10. It is possible to have low reliability and high validity.T, F

11-The concept of entropy implies that any organization that is not growing in some way is actually declining. T, F

12-Concurrent validity comes before predictive validity. T, F

13- The four levels of analysis postulated by systems theory are habits, perceptions, attitudes and cognitions. T, F

14-The industrial psychologist of the Scientific Management Era was primarily interested in the group as a focus of study. T, F

15- The Systems Theory approach to the study of the workplace came in with the Human Relations Movement. T, F

16-The underlying assumption of the Human Relations Movement is that a happy worker is a productive worker. T, F

17-In Open Systems Theory, the concept of negative entropy helps to explain the profit motive. T, F

18-The purpose of time and motion studies was to increase job satisfaction. T, F

19-The Scientific Management era emphasized the group and the Human Relations era emphasized the individual. T, F

20-Matrix organizational designs flourish during economic downturns. T, F

21. Performance appraisal is simplest in matrix organizations. T, F

22. Most organizations start with a product or geographical organization design. T, F

23. Functional departmentalization categorizes jobs according to internal convenience. T, F

24. Product and geographical designs do away with functional departments. T, F

25. Span of control and the number of layers in an organization are related. T, F

26. The M.U.M. rule affects the quality of downward communication. T, F

27. In a matrix organization each subordinate has two bosses. T, F

28. Matrix organizations combine product and geographical designs. T, F

29. Collecting data on real organizations is difficult because real organizations are moving targets. T, F

30. Single group pre-post designs lack a control group. T, F

31.Records analysis is the most intrusive method of I/O data collection. T, F

32.Surveys are by far the most popular method of I/O data collection. T, F

33.Poor leadership can increase the de jure - de facto gap. T, F

34.Educated, experienced, skilled employees are best suited to work in centralized organizations. T,F

35.Poor employee morale can lead to irrational decentralization. T, F

36.Job descriptions should be based on job (work) analysis. T, F

37.Good job analysis can help an organization increase criterion relevance. T, F

38.In the process of collecting KSAO information about potential employees organizations can ask anything they want. T, F

39.Observations, surveys and interviews can all be used to gather information for a job analysis.T, F

40.Job analysis only needs to be done once for any particular job. T, F

41.Criterion variables are the causes and predictor variables are the effects.T, F

42.Job performance is an organization's most important predictor variable.T, F

43.Decreasing the overlap of the conceptual criteria and the actual criteria leads to better job descriptions. T, F

44.Face validity and content validity are legally acceptable forms of organizational validation.T, F

45.Good job analysis should increase criterion validity.T, F

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Dissertation: Assembly line workers sales clerks and production personnel
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