
assembly languages second generation

Assembly Languages  ( Second Generation Language)

To overcome  the difficulty of machine  language assembly  language  was  designed. After  facing the  difficulty of machine  language programming  found a new  way to write the program in which  each statement  of machine  language was written in some meaningful set of  characters which  are  easier to understand and  remember as compared  to 0 and 1 these  set of  character are called  mnemonics. This was similar to take help  of a language  translator when  two people do not understand the language of each  other. Here program  written in assembly languages  is not understood by the computer hence need to be converted into machine  language. The program  which  converts assembly  to machine  language is called assembler.

All advantages  and disadvantages of assembly language are similar  to machine  language except that it  easier to understand and  programming and  debugging is easier as compared to machine  languages. Both  machine  language  and  assembly  languages are called  low level language.

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Electrical Engineering: assembly languages second generation
Reference No:- TGS0411686

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