Write a simple assembly language program to calculate the some geometric information for each rectangular parallel epiped in a series of rectangular parallel epipeds. Specifically,the program will find the volume and surface area for each of the rectangular parallel epipeds in a set of rectangular parallel epipeds. Once the value computed, the program should find the minimum, maximum, middle value, sum, and average for the volume sand surface areas.
Note,for a odd number of items, the middle value is defined as the middle value. For an even number of values,it is the integer average of the two middle values. The data does not need to be sorted.
Volumes(n) = asides(n)*bsides(n)*csides(n)
surfaceAreas(n) = 2asides (n)*bsides (n) + asides (n)*csides (n) + bsides(n)*csides (n)
Do not change the sizes/types of the provided data sets. All data is signed. As such, the IDIV/IMUL would be used (not DIV/MUL) Also, CDW/CWD/CDQ would be used (as they are for signed data).The JG/JL/JGE/JLE must be used (as they are for signed data).
There is no provided main. You may declare additional variables as needed.