
Aspherical neuron possesses 6x1011 non-gatedchannels each

 A spherical neuron possesses 6x1011 non-gatedchannels, each of which has a conductance of 50 pS. The neuron isdepolarized 40 mV from rest for a period of 3 minutes. This causesthe K+ concentration inside the neuron to change by 15mM. Assume that the Na+/K+ pump does notoperate during the period of depolarization, and that the channelsare conductive only to K+.

A. What is the average current passing through each channel?
B. What is the diameter of the neuron? Explain and show all stepsin your calculation.

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Physics: Aspherical neuron possesses 6x1011 non-gatedchannels each
Reference No:- TGS0902724

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