Instructions: Read the following questions and provide detail responses.
CAUTION: Do not copy full paragraphs from the Federal Acquisition Regulations that do not specifically answer the question. To do so will negatively affect your grade.
Q1. When a federal agency receives a notice of protest filed directly with the General Accountability Office (GAO), a contract may be award under the following circumstances except…:
a. Untimely award would delay project completion date
b. Authorized in accordance with agency procedures
c. Head of contracting activity consents to award
d. Urgent and compelling circumstances does not permit awaiting GAO decision
Q2. Acquisition planning for services must include what information?
Q3. Discuss the Small Business Administration (SBA) role in carrying out subcontracting plan policy:
Q4. Briefly discuss the different contracting methods and contract types used to procure supplies and services for the Government.
Q5. Understanding the type of contract you are working under or to use on a project is vital to contract management. Different circumstances require different types of contracts. The different types of contracts allow more or less flexibility, and allocate different amounts of risk to the contractor and government. Match the correct contract type to the statements below:
a. The "fixed fee" is typically a percentage of estimated costs and the contractor is reimbursed for other allowable costs; the total amount of the fee is decided in advance based on estimates.
b. This type of contract allows the Government to specify the work and the contractor to give a price, assume almost all of the risk and, as a result, reap whatever profit there is.
c. Billing at pre-negotiated rates for labor and materials on a project; all risk goes to the Government. Labor rates include a certain percentage markup for overhead. The government can set a maximum amount and the contractor warns the government when the limit is about to be met.