Write a program which:
- Asks the user to enter a positive integer greater than 0
- Validates that the entry is a positive integer
- Outputs the digits in reverse order with a space separating the digits
- Outputs the even digits not in reverse order with a space separating the digits (consider zero to be even)
- Outputs the odd digits not in reverse order with a space separating the digits
- Displays results, in the following format:
- Make the ClickMe button the "Accept" button.
- (If applicable) Make the text box which captures user input get focus when your application starts.
- The Clear button should erase the contents of the text box and any feedback. Focus should be placed on the text box.
- The program must have the following four void functions:
- reverse // reverse the digits entered by the user and place a between each digit.
- even //selects the even digits from the user input, No printing (displaying) results here!
- odd // selects the odd digits from the user input, No printing (displaying) results here!
- printResults //displays the results. NOTICE the output when the user input does not have any odd digits; also NOTICE the output when the user input does not have any even digits