Assignment- The project will be split into 2 parts. Assignment 1 will be the planning part, assignment 2 will execute your plan.
Assignment 1- Assignment 1 will require you to achieve workable level of business understanding, look at the data and achieve a workable level of data understanding. From this material you will write a project plan. This will contain:
-Justification of your project (why you propose to do the BI/data-mining) - here you demonstrate workable business understanding
-Plan what to do:
With data (here you will be able to demonstrate your data understanding)
- Data transformations
- Data cleansing?
Methods you plan to apply in your analysis (justify your choice!)
Assignment 2 - Assignment 2 will be execution of your plan. This report will contain:
-Background and motivation (recycling of the introduction from Assig1)
-Methods used with justification (mostly recycled from Assig1, but you may change/improve)
-Results of your analysis
-Interpretation of results in terms of:
-Conclusions and recommendations (we discuss this later)
How the components of the topic map to CRISP-DM.
1500 words
20 harvard reference
Attachment:- Assignment.rar