
As your senior project you are doing a service learning

Text book: TECHNIAL WRITTING Principles, Strategies, and Readings (8th Edition)

Author: Dianna C. Reep

The answer needs to be written as a formal proposal and have the proper heading.


As your senior project, you are doing a service learning assignment or General Family Foods, a large warehouse-type center for food and household items. John Chang, the FEO, has decided to open a small outlet store featuring the most popular international food items, such as imported cheeses, jams and wine.

He wants to find a location in the city or in a near suburb where such an outlet could thrive. Your assignment is to find two good locations for the outlet. Select two (fictitious) locations in your area and write a feasibility study comparing them. Recommend one location to Mr. Chang

Opening memo, 1 page two paragraph using template below:

The Requesting Company Name
City, State, Zip
Ph. #


Your name
your office address
City, State, Zip

Dear Mr. Chang,

1st paragraph: Let him know you have a proposal attached for two sites that will work for his the new store. Reasure him you researched the both sites and they both have as establihed market for the products they sell.

2nd paragraph: Basic desripon of the two sites which one is will fit there company needs the best.


Signature block

Attached proposal same Heading as memo

Introduction: Thesis to describe both loaction and why they will work.

body: Compare end contrast botrh sites. pros and cons of each.

Conclusion: restate purpose, then reccomend the best location you think works better and why.

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