
As you have learned throughout the course engaging young

Project: The Scientific Process

As you have learned throughout the course, engaging young students in hands-on science experiments will enhance their knowledge in a fun and interesting way. These simple experiments will prepare them for more complex science experiences in the future.

For this project, you are going to create your own science experiment using the scientific process in the template provided. This experiment should be one that you can use with the early childhood age of your choice: 0-4 months, 5-12 months, 2-4 years, or 5-8 years.

Your paper should also have a title page, introduction and conclusion.

Your introduction should briefly describe your experiment and discuss how the scientific process helps with student learning.

Your conclusion should identify the outcome of the experiment in detail and explain how this experiment along with other science experiences can help lay the foundation for a life-long love of learning.

Make sure to choose an experiment that encourages problem solving and creative thinking. For example:

How does water change to steam?
Which objects sink and which objects float?

The Scientific Process

Following are the steps to the scientific process. Be sure to cover each of these in your experiment and document everything in the project template.

Hypothesis: what you think the answer will be; an educated guess

Materials: list of everything you need to complete your experiment

Procedure: steps to carry out a controlled experiment

Observations: your results-what happened during the experiment?

Conclusions: the answer (if you found one) to the original question or problem; was your hypothesis correct?

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Dissertation: As you have learned throughout the course engaging young
Reference No:- TGS01257100

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