
As you begin your dissertation courses at ncu take a minute


As you begin your dissertation courses at NCU, take a minute now to map out your approach to completing your dissertation. Your dissertation courses have very specific deliverables to be met, so it is important that you determine strategies to assist you in meeting them. Anyone who has navigated the dissertation process successfully will tell you it is intense. You will work with your selected topic for two years or more, and there will be times when you grow tired of it. There will be numerous times when you are asked to revise and resubmit. Remember, your Dissertation Chair and Committee are there to help, not hinder, your efforts to develop the best possible dissertation. 

As you focus on your final goals, completing your dissertation and receiving your doctorate, it is also important for you to take time for yourself. While you may find yourself spending long hours researching and writing, you should have strategies in place that will help motivate you to overcome hurdles you encounter.

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