
As we witness the volatility in the political world and

Please answer each question if 2-3 pages, double spaced. Please cite all sources used.

1) The two most basic strategies are to pursue a low cost strategy or differentiation.  Much of the "share" economy seems to have focused on low cost strategies.  Do you think that 5 years from now the focus will continue to be on offering low cost solutions or will differentiation strategies dominate the marketplace.  Obviously both strategies will be present (they are today), but which strategy is more likely to produce a long term competitive advantage? Why?

2) Please watch the Michael Porter video on Shared Value:


As we witness the volatility in the political world and ever more intense pressure to make profits in business, do you think that Porter's ideas on Shared Value are going to be a major piece of corporate strategy or will the focus be more on continued efficiency, automation, outsourcing and profit maximization? Why?

3) A.G Lafley is the CEO of Procter & Gamble. Please watch his video:


Based on the performance of P&G over the past 5 years, do you believe that his strategic philosophy has merit?  Is he moving P&G in the right direction? Why?

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Business Management: As we witness the volatility in the political world and
Reference No:- TGS01493195

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