As we discussed earlier in the course, managers are faced with making decisions each day, some that are programmed and others that are non-programmed. It is in the making of non-programmed decisions where managers often find themselves on the horns of an ethical dilemma. Some decisions that appear to be profitable can be short-sighted, unethical, and unwise in the long term. When deadlines may not be met, when the threat of failure casts a larger shadow than the prospect for success, when the thrill of reward obscures long-term consequences, or when monetary incentives can easily skew one's decisions, how can a manager be certain that the actions they take, as well as the actions taken by others in the organization, are always ethically sound? This week's readings provide a broad overview of ethics, to include a discussion of various ethical principles and ethical decision-making rules. After you have completed the readings, please describe in your response to this discussion question a situation from your current organization, an organization with which you are familiar, or from current events in which the managers involved did not act ethically. Be certain to discuss in detail the ethical principles that you believe were violated in the example you provide. Finally, describe for the class what you would do if you found yourself in a similar situation.