
As this text was being written the gasb web site indicated

Question: As this text was being written, the GASB web site indicated that one of its agenda projects was called "Conceptual Framework-Recognition and Measurement Attributes." One question covered by the project was "What messages are financial statements conceptually attempting to convey?" In discussing the history of the project, the web site noted that, at one meeting, the board focused on the specific meaning of the term current financial resources so that it might explain with greater specificity the message conveyed by statements prepared using that measurement focus, but the board "did not reach a conclusion on the issue." This project has been on the agenda for about 5 years. After studying this chapter, comment on the issues troubling the GASB by discussing any inconsistencies or other problems you perceive in the standards regarding recognition and measurement of revenues, receivables, expenditures, and liabilities.

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Accounting Basics: As this text was being written the gasb web site indicated
Reference No:- TGS02497178

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