
As the vane turns clockwise from n to nw additional leds

Weathervane Azimuth Detection

A weathervane turns with the wind direction. The base of the weathervane is connected to a rotary potentiometer without stops, that is, the potentiometer turns from 0 Ω to 10 kΩ linearly clockwise, but jumps to 0 Ω after the maximum resistance is reached and would continue toward 10 kΩ if the weathervane continues to rotate clockwise.

The need is to output the voltage from the potentiometer to comparators that will light 2-VDC LEDs. Each LED will correspond to a wind direction, N, NE, E, SE, etc. Set North at 1 V (hence it should always be ON as long as the system is ON) and NW at 8 V.

As the vane turns clockwise from N to NW, additional LEDs come on. If the vane turns counterclockwise, the LEDs go off as it turns. You have available a 15-VDC supply.

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Physics: As the vane turns clockwise from n to nw additional leds
Reference No:- TGS02144946

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