
As the project manager you have been assigned a project to

As the Project Manager, you have been assigned a project to deploy ten (10) wireless access points in your break room company's warehouse and within the next ninety (90) days. You are free to make assumptions that satisfy the scope of the project such as training, wiring, consulting efforts, etc.

Your submission will also be graded on the accuracy of your work package assumptions and duration estimates.

Section 1: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Required Format (MS Project File)

1. Use Microsoft Project, Excel or Open Project to create a WBS in which you:

a. Create 15 or more decomposed work packages into 4 levels that are assigned to 5 or more main tasks (75 line items).

b. Ensure the main WBS tasks headings are the 5 PMBOK® process areas.

c. Create a Work Breakdown Structure Code for each task.

d. Determine an overall project duration and duration estimates for each of the tasks. The duration is not to exceed 90 days.

e. Create accurate work package assumptions and duration estimates.

Section 1 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Microsoft Project or its open source alternative in .mpp format.

Section 2: Summary Document

Required Format (MS Word File)

2. Use Microsoft Word to write a one (1) page summary in which you:

a. Summarize how this activity improves the chances of your future Project being a success.

b. Use at least four (4) quality references in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

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Other Subject: As the project manager you have been assigned a project to
Reference No:- TGS0613245

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