
As the play begins shakespeare is introducing an issue with

Shakespeare has remained popular into the twenty-first century, despite the archaic language and Renaissance sensibilities of his plays.

One reason for this is that his plots and characters portray universal and compelling human situations. Another reason is the very language itself.

Though no one now speaks the variety of English used in the plays, its immense range and power can be stimulating and its poetry can still inspire.

The assigned movie version of Much Ado About Nothingopens with Beatrice reciting these lines:

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more;

Men were deceivers ever.

One foot in sea and one on shore,

To one thing constant never.

Then sigh not so, but let them go, and be you blithe and bonny;

Converting all your sounds of woe-Into hey nonny, nonny!

Nonsense? No. As the play begins, Shakespeare is introducing an issue with which nearly everyone struggles: whether deep, faithful, and genuine love can be found. How can this ever become irrelevant or outdated?

The film version of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" is required. You can borrow this film from your local library, but if this is not possible, you may need to rent and stream it through Amazon for $3.99.

Write a critical analysis of Much Ado About Nothing:


Character development


Plot (include exposition, complication-both crisis and climax, and denouement)

Camera techniques

Audio enhancement

You may want to refer to the examples at the end of Chapters 7 and 8.

Be sure to include a convincing, inclusive conclusion at the end of your critical analysis and a bibliography of at least two sources that you used to prepare your analysis, one of which may be the class text.

Do not use and cite Wikipedia. Instead, visit the Library to learn about academic sources.

The page on Evaluating Information, includes helpful sections on "Print vs. Web Resources," Evaluation Criteria," Evaluation Scenarios," and "Media Literacy."

Write a 500-750 words critical analysis. Follow the APA style.

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Dissertation: As the play begins shakespeare is introducing an issue with
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