
As the grading for the current events ethics analysis

Current Events Ethics Analysis Assignment Description

As the grading for the Current Events Ethics Analysis Assignment is criterion-based, you need to carefully read the assignment description (quoted below) and follow it like a checklist to make sure you address all assignment criteria.

Choosing an article:

The article you choose must cover all of the following criteria: global ethical issues from a multi-national corporation perspective.

You can choose an article (that is available online from any source on the Web for which you can provide a URL that can be accessed by others to read the article) that is describing a current event (no older than 2010).

You can find an appropriate article from any online source, including journals, magazines, newspapers, and even Web sites that address issues relevant to the topic scope and focus of this assignment.

You can also use an online bibliographic database to search for online articles in any of the above-mentioned publication sources. The UMUC Library provides free access to these databases. In the UMUC Library OneSearch text field on the Information & Library Services page, type in a search phrase consisting of key terms mentioned in the assignment description (or from my search suggestions below). Then click on the Search button. If you don't find relevant articles, try the search again with different search terms.

Consider searching on an IT event topic that is associated with global and from a multi-national corporation perspective, such as cyber security issues (such as recent hacking events attributed from China, etc.) or other trans-national IT events with ethical dimension such as in the area of e-commerce or other misuse of products protected by intellectual property in one country that is not represented or protected in another country.

The other criteria and initial search approach might be searching on a multi-national corporation in the IT field such as IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, and others that might have experienced an IT-related event within the past year or two that has ethical issues associated.

Writing the IT ethics analysis:

You must address all of the following elements in a minimum of 300 words for the total analysis (you can exceed the minimum word count as needed):

Summarize its key points:

Focus on key points that describe the event in terms of what occurred or is occurring in an information technology context and the potential ethical dilemma or issues it raises.

Analyze its multi-national and global aspects:

Even if the focus of the event is occurring from the perspective of a single multi-national corporation, provide a brief analysis of how the event and its related ethical issues are of importance across national borders and on a wider, global scope.

Identify and list three critically important questions you would like to address regarding your topic:

These questions should be related to the nature and scope of the inherent ethical issues and the possible responses and/or resolutions that might address these issues in some manner.

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Operation Management: As the grading for the current events ethics analysis
Reference No:- TGS01063485

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