
As production volume changes some costs may increase or

Essay Topic: "As production volume changes, some costs may increase or decrease and other costs may remain stable, but specific costs behave in predictable ways as volume changes. This concept of predictable cost behaviour based on volume is very important to the effective use of accounting information for managerial decision making." Do you agree? Justify.

Use relevant literature and real business examples to support your discussion.

The essay is worth 20% and has a 1,500 word limit (excluding the title, headings/sub-headings and references) and is to be completed in groups of 2 or 3 students. To successfully complete the essay students are required to undertake a literature review and provide reference within the essay to at least four (4) relevantscholarly articles.

You should review literature from various sources, including:

1. Relevant chapters in the prescribed textbook;

2. Academic and professional journals (see list below as a starting point). Use the following libguide available from the JCU Library website to find accounting journals and other academic references by accessing e-journals through the available Accounting and Finance databases3. Various books sourced via the library catalogue.
Some useful journals to search include (various other journals may also be useful):
1. Accounting Horizons
2. Harvard Business Review
3. Journal of Cost Management
4. Journal of Management Accounting Research
5. Management Accounting Research
6. Management Accounting (UK)
7. Strategic Finance
8. Australian Accounting Review
9. Accounting and Finance
10. Australian Accounting Review

You will be required to form a group of two or three students to research and write the essay. Students will self-select teams during the first three weeks of the semester. You will submit one essay per group.

Before starting the essay you should read over the rubric i.e. the marking criteria sheet. The essay should be typed and APA referencing

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Dissertation: As production volume changes some costs may increase or
Reference No:- TGS02616784

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