As part of your financial? planning, you wish to purchase a new car exactly 6years from today. The car you wish to purchase costs ?$17, 000 ?today, and your research indicates that its price will increase by 3?% to 6?% per year over the next 6 years.
A. Estimate the price of the car at the end of 6 years if inflation is? (1) 3?% per year and? (2) 6?% per year.
B. How much more expensive will the car be if the rate of inflation is 6?% rather than 3?%?
C. Estimate the price of the car if inflation is 3?% for the next 2 years and 6?% for 4years after that.
A. The price of the car at the end of 6?years, if inflation is 3?%
per? year, is $______ ?(Round to the nearest? cent.)