As part of these efforts you have been tasked with writing

Assignment: Medical Error Reporting - Policy and Procedures


A new, free-standing hospital has been built in Saudi Arabia and will be opening in the coming year. The hospital's leadership is well aware of the high rate of medical errors that occur in hospitals throughout the Kingdom and is eager to put proactive plans in place prior to opening.

As part of these efforts, you have been tasked with writing the organization's policy and procedures on reporting medical errors. Your document should be thorough but succinct. It must include the following elements:

• Policy title
• Policy statement
• Purpose
• Authority
• Scope
• Responsibility
• Procedures.

Your well-written Policy and Procedures document should meet the following requirements:

• One to two pages in length.

• Utilize the Medical Error Policy template linked below.

• Provide support for your work with in-text citations from a minimum of two scholarly articles. One of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but one must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references.

• Provide full APA references for the sources used, along with appropriate in-text citations.

Attachment:- Medical-Error-Policy.rar

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Dissertation: As part of these efforts you have been tasked with writing
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