
As many know poverty and homelessness are issues that need

your goals are to:

1) select 2 main marketing goals (with supporting benchmarks) for your new products or services;

2) provide an overview of the target market including customer value, customer profile, collaborators, and competitors; and

3) compose a value proposition for your product or service that includes target customers, frame of reference, and primary reason.

Your memo should be no longer than 1 page 1.5 line-spaced (with Times New Roman 12pt font). Here's some additional guidance for how to craft this memo:

1. Start with a paragraph describing two primary marketing goals for your sustainability opportunity along with at least three supporting benchmarks for each that involve quantitative and temporal components. (Worth up to 15 points)


As many know, poverty and homelessness are issues that need to be addressed with a lot of seriousness. We have decided to address this problem. By using a STaR (social, technological and resource) analysis, we have been able to come up with a strategy that will help to positively impact the issues at hand. We are interested in a sustainability opportunity that will help to put together care packages that are intended for low income people and families that are in need of basic necessities for survival.

As requested, in this memorandum our group will explain which industry we have decided to pursue. We have decided that the industry that could most use our innovation is homelessness and homeless people's wellbeing.

Why This is the Ideal Industry

Homelessness is an ideal industry to aim our efforts at because it is an industry that is always changing and will continue to need more assistance. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, physiological is the most crucial for survival, and within that falls the need for shelter, food and water. Setting our efforts on helping people reach a basic level of survival is something that can greatly impact individuals and the communities that they reside in.

The type of sustainability opportunity that we may be interested would consist of putting together care packages for people that need the help. Within these packages would be supplies of all forms, such as food, water and other items required for basic human needs.

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Marketing Research: As many know poverty and homelessness are issues that need
Reference No:- TGS02205085

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