
As leaders you have likely applied and analyzed many models

An Examination of Traditional and Leading Edge Models of Change


As leaders, you have likely applied and analyzed many models of change. Therefore, instead of further examining existing models, you will have the opportunity to critically appraise the what in organizational change over the next two weeks. What internal, external, and cross-cultural environments promote success? What practices lead to pitfalls?

In this section of your course, you will connect models to transformational and transactional practices to synthesize ideas related to the buy-in of change (Hunter, 2010). Consider the following traditional and leading-edge models and strategies as you move through this next pair of weeks: Management By Objective (MBO); the Nine-Phase Change Process Model; Moral Leadership; Transactional Change Leadership; Transformational Change Methodology;

Complex Systems Theory (CST); Charismatic Leadership; Systems Theory; Leader-Member Exchange Theory; Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Model; Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory; Lewin's Model of Change; Levinson's Theory; XY Model; Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model; and Tichy's TPC Internal/External Model.
Pellegrini et al (2010) stated that leader-member relationships have a direct impact on organizational commitment.

These exchanges are affected by self complexity, strategic motivation, and cross-cultural experiences, all of which determine practical implications used in the execution of change (Zoogah, 2010; Hopwood and Donnellan, 2010). In order to extend the boundaries of the whole system, leaders must understand cross-cultural theories of leadership, internal and external manifestations, and networking perspectives (Gibson and McDaniel, 2010).

The bottom line? Poor change management generates a reduced amount of trust, reluctance to change, higher cynicism, and higher turnover rates - the products of methodology failures (Bordia et al, 2011; Stame, 2010). Leaders must take part in a balancing act of sorts in order to guide models that are constructive, multilevel, conversational, political, reflexive, recursive in nature, and research-based in order to be true craftsmen of change (Cooney, 2011; Grant and Marshak, 2011; Nye et al, 2010).

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this week, you will be able to:

Examine models of change in terms of how leaders manipulate and manage change processes;

Assess the manifestation of external and internal sources as they relate to change;

Critically appraise whole systems change and networking perspectives as components of internal and external contingencies;

Examine the traditional and leading-edge models of leadership and organizational structures for affecting change;

Evaluate methods used by leaders to mobilize change;

Identify strategies leaders use to craft and respond to organizational change in cross-cultural environments;

Identify leadership pitfalls related to change management.

Assignment Requirement - Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research on the topic -

Change Management: The impact of Leadership on Organizational Performance

At professional conferences, blocks of time may be set aside for what are termed "poster sessions." A hotel ballroom or large open area will be ringed with individuals who use displays such as posters or electronic presentations displayed via projectors. These sessions provide an opportunity to share one's research in an intimate setting with a small group gathered around who share a similar interest.

The seminar format of this course is very similar to this academic exchange. During one set of paired weeks, you will be appointed as a Group Leader. As a Group Leaders for this week, you are to prepare an academic presentation, much like a poster session.

Your presentation should offer an analysis and synthesis of prior research and will begin the interaction with your colleagues. You will prepare an academic paper of 7pages in APA format on the material in this week's readings on the topic (Change Management: The impact of Leadership on Organizational Performance) containing the introduction and various headings and subheadings, conclusion, and reference page.

This analysis will be an open-ended introduction to explaining how change can be crafted and implemented in organizational settings. Your goal, as the presenter, should be to persuade your discussants that the approach(es) you have analyzed and synthesized are a sound means for challenging leadership strategies related to organizational change.

You should acknowledge that there are other models or means to study leaders and their methods used to craft and respond to organizational change, but you should strive to be as persuasive as possible that the specific concepts and operationalizations you have reviewed are exciting research avenues and that they are potentially breakthrough areas in the leadership and management of organizational change.
Your paper and presentation should contain the following elements:

An incorporation and analysis of at least five of the required resources from this pair of weeks - see attached

The incorporation and analysis of five additional resources from the Walden Library - Articles attached here

An identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic - Change Management: The impact of Leadership on Organizational Performance.

An evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to management practice and their impact on positive social change
Direct evidence of addressing the learning outcomes from this pair of weeks.

In addition to the above elements, as the Group Leader(s) for this week will focus thematically on:

In addition to the above elements, the Group Leader(s) for this week will focus thematically on:

Synthesizing the main points of existing change models and strategies as they relate to organizational performance;

Determining major successes and pitfalls in change leadership;

Answering whether Bordia et al (2011), Stame (2010), and/or Nye et al (2010) accurately describe the problems and successes in change management? Please explain your answer;

Providing examples of internal and external influences that strengthen organizational performance;

Appraising traditional and leading-edge change strategies that enhance the cross-cultural dynamics of an organization;

Evaluating methods leaders use to mobilize whole system efforts of change.

As a Group Leader, post your 7-page paper as an attached file to your initial posting to your Group's Weekly Discussion area Sunday 19th, 2017.

The 7-page paper will be aligned in the following headings and subheadings:

1. Introduction

2. Other headings and subheadings

3. ...

4. ...

5. ...

6. ...

7. ...

8. ...

9. Conclusion

10.References (10 references minimum)

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Dissertation: As leaders you have likely applied and analyzed many models
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