
As it relates to ethical behavior the relationship between

Course Overview:

As it relates to ethical behavior, the relationship between an employer and employee has probably raised more issues than any other relationship.

It wouldn't take a long time to search on the Internet and find an article about what a company has done to an employee, therefore, raising questions about the company.

Even though employees are more inclined to change jobs today than they were 30 years ago, it is still disturbing for an employee to face termination or disciplinary action. Moreover, given the economic situation of many people, it can be financially devastating to be without work for even a short period of time. So, let's look at some specific areas of the employer-employee relationship.

This module discusses the balance between an employee's loyalty to the company and loyalty to the public at large. When can employees who owe their loyalty to the company breach that loyalty?

Additionally, the module explains that companies must provide a safe workplace and explores the conditions in which employees can seek damages from the company when their health is affected by the job site. What worker's compensation is and how it protects both employer and employee will be explored.

This module also discusses employee rights in the workplace, especially privacy rights. Does the Constitution guarantee an employee in a private company the right to free speech? The answer is a resounding no.

The Constitution prohibits Congress (and through the 14th Amendment, the States) from passing laws restricting a person's right to free speech. However, the Constitution does not prohibit a company from firing an employee who complains about the company or makes statements about it.

In addition, this module explores the impact of technological advances on business law and ethics. You will examine the concept of employee privacy juxtaposed with the need of a business "to know," especially with regard to employees' communication and work productivity.

This module also explores intellectual property rights (IPR) and protection, with an emphasis on regulatory protocols and identification of ways to prevent the infringement of IPR.

Module Readings and Assignment:

Complete the following readings early in the module:

Module overview

From your course textbook, Law & Ethics in the Business Environment, 8th read the following chapter:

Whistleblowing: Conflict of Loyalties

Privacy & Technology

Workers' Rights as Human Rights: Health & Safety in the Workplace

Assignment: Discussion-Worker Rights and Privacy in the Workplace

In addition to the readings assigned for Module, using the Argosy University online library resources or the Internet, locate and read two to three other articles on worker rights and privacy in the workplace. Share your observations, early conclusions, reflections, and questions in this discussion.

Respond to the following questions:

What are the relevant laws that govern privacy in the workplace?

How can workers take advantage of the protections that these laws provide?

Submission Details:

In a minimum of 500 words, post a summary of your findings to this Discussion Area. Support your work by citing sources according to APA standards.

Write your initial response in 300-500 words.

turned-in on time, Grading criteria followed All assignment qualifications addressed correctly, Grading Criteria followed, Include Question followed by the answer Reference Page Included Cover page Included, Paragraphs Indented, Running-head included, main heading should be centered; all new paragraphs should be indented; paper should be right ragged, not right justified; references, should always go on a standalone page. abstracts are not usually indented; acronyms should be spelled out when using them for the first time, for example HR. references as listed are APA standard.

When you submit your papers through turnitin.com, your overall similarity index score should not be exceedingly high, with ten to fifteen percent being the maximum, Please make sure your APA formatting of citations. I have provided the APA resource cite for you. Please work on using literature within the span of the last 5 years, keep in mind there should not be any one, two, or three sentence paragraphs

Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Do the following when responding:

Read your answers.

Provide substantive comments by

contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;

building on the remarks or questions; or

sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences

Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to ideas.

Make sure your writing

is clear, concise, and organized;

demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and

displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Operation Management: As it relates to ethical behavior the relationship between
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