In 100 words state if you agree or disagree with the summary below and why? PLEASE reframe from using Overuse of ambiguous terms such as it, this, and they should not be used.
As indicated in the first discussion post, there are 3 levels of problem employees. However, within those 3 distinct levels there are several types of problem employees. In dealing with these problem employees having a strategy in plan is essential. According to our author for the course feedback is a great tool to utilize when managing problem employees. It is useful at any level indicated here. Bacal states that, “Feedback involves sitting down with someone and giving some specific, nonconfrontational information about how the person may be affecting you and others. However, that’s just one form of feedback, and while it’s an important one, giving feedback that really changes people’s behavior is a bit more complex than that. We need to look at the different dimensions of feedback, because that will allow us to better utilize the feedback-related tools we have available to us,” (p.79). Feedback can be given two ways: factual and emotional. Factual feedback is focused on observations; whereas, emotional focuses on how people react emotionally to a person’s behavior. These types of mechanisms can be used three ways to help the problem employee correct/adjust their behavior in the workplace. As the manager you can effectively accomplish getting messages across to problem employees by offering feedback from yourself, the workplace (other coworkers), and the tasks or results person creates.
So in dealing with our level 1 problem employees a good strategy to follow regarding feedback would be to monitor as best as possible behaviors and interactions with other employees. By doing so the feedback can really resonate because it will reference a particular moment where they can think about their actions constructively. Most importantly, in this type of scenario as the manager are actively lowering the percentage of basing the feedback off of assumptions. When the feedback given isn’t offered in the full light of the truth it creates a bigger problem to manage.
In dealing with level 2 problem employees where the behavior has been documented and an intervention has occurred the manager should look to follow-up on the suggestions for improving behavior. Again, it sounds like extra work and time lost out on but if you truly want to see change in behavior than this must occur. It’s easy to fall back on the notion that because you’ve approached the issue once you don’t need to approach it again and it will self-correct…if you reference the point above about assumptions then you’ll understand that is a big no-no. Therefore, the manager needs to keep it professional, follow-up and have clear cut documentation and communication for what is to happen going forward. As for level 3 problem employees this is a bit more complex. As I mentioned in my initial post that these are employees that are most likely going to be removed from the organization because of their actions.
However, just because they’re going to be removed doesn’t mean the feedback you give in your interactions with them in the meantime can’t be meaningful and beneficial in the long run. De-personalizing the conversation is crucial because instead of saying “you are doing this instead of doing that” you could refer to the fact based feedback where you reference an instance in a meeting where you noticed behavior unbecoming of the organization. Having a system in place that generates feedback from several sources of the organization can really streamline the managing problem employees portion of the job. It not only alleviates pressure on management but HR as well.