
As indicated from the diagram when left 1 the lights flash

An older model Thunderbird car has three left and threeright taillights which flash in unique patterns to indicate leftand right turns.
There is a diagram from the textbook, that shows the LEFT and RIGHT turn patters.
Design a Moore sequential circuit to control these lights. The circuit has three inputs LEFT, RIGHT, and HAZ. LEFT and RIGHT comefrom the driver's turn signal switch and cannot be 1 at the sametime. As indicated from the diagram, when LEFT = 1 the lights flash in a pattern LA on; LA and LB on; LA, LB, and LC on;all off; and then the sequence repeats. When RIGHT = 1, the lightsequence is similar. If a switch fromt LEFT to RIGHT (or viceversa) occurs in the middle of a flashing sequence, the circuitshould immediately go to the IDLE (lights off) state and, then,start the new sequence. HAZ comes from the hazard switch, and whenHAZ = 1, all six lights flas on and off in unison. HAZ takesprecedemce if LEFT or RIGHT is also on. Assume that a clock signalis available with a frequency equal to the desired flashingrate.
(a) Draw the state graph (eight states)
(c) Realize the circuit using six D flip flop, usingguidelines to determing a suitable state assignment.

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Electrical Engineering: As indicated from the diagram when left 1 the lights flash
Reference No:- TGS0630034

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