
As illustrated in the video identify 3 of these personal

Question: Your first written paper assignment is based on the video "Ending Welfare As We Know It directed by Roger Weisberg; produced by Roger Weisberg, Public Policy Productions (New York, NY: Filmakers Library, 1999), 2 hours 11 mins Please watch the video carefully and take notes so that you will be able to complete the assignment.

TANF caseloads dropped dramatically during the 1990s. A drop in the caseload is one sign of success. However, challenges to the success of welfare reform remain.

As illustrated in the video, identify 3 of these personal challenges/problems? Write a 2-3 page (2-3 pages excluding a cover page and reference list) paper that focuses on three of the personal challenges encountered as former recipients try to successfully transition from welfare to work. The assignment must be typed/word processed with 1 inch margins, Times New Roman or Ariel font, size 12, and be double-spaced.)

What I mean by a personal challenge/barrier is a characteristic of the individual that makes the successful transition from welfare to work difficult. For example, one challenge or barrier is low education-identify 3 others and describe how they operate as barriers (low education can not be one of the barriers you select).

Next, use the library, credible web sites, or other sources to provide additional information about the challenges you've identified. Be sure to provide complete citations and a reference list for the outside other sources you use in APA format.

The higher quality of your source and the better it is integrated into your discussion, the more credit you will receive for bringing in outside material. Direct quotes should be used sparingly, and only to make a specific point.

The outside information you find on your barriers should be integrated into your discussion on barriers. Credit for outside information will only be given to new information not covered in the video, book chapter, or lesson. (For example, you will not receive any credit for an outside citation indicating that welfare reform was passed in 1996 - this same information was in the video, lesson, and text book.)

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Dissertation: As illustrated in the video identify 3 of these personal
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