
As explained in social media why it will change the world


1. As explained in "Social Media: Why It Will Change the World," what is the problem with Facebook's business model?

ARTICLE LINK: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/richard-stacy/social-media-why-it-will-_1_b_3528427.html

2. As described in "How Technology Is Destroying Jobs," explain the current "polarization" of the workforce and the "hollowing out"of the middle class.

ARTICLE LINK: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/515926/how-technology-is-destroying-jobs/

3. As outlined in "A Small World After All?", what are two of the three major ways in which we discover information online, and why is each problematic for connectedness?

ARTICLE LINK: https://archive.wilsonquarterly.com/essays/small-world-after-all

4. As spelled out in "Bride of Stuxnet," describe how "Stuxnet was like a guided missile with a targeted payload."

ARTICLE LINK: https://www.weeklystandard.com/bride-of-stuxnet/article/646424

5. As explained in "Know Your Rights!," what is the protocol involved in how and when police must handle their arrival at your property with a warrant?

ARTICLE LINK: https://www.eff.org/files/eff_know_your_rights_2011.pdf

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Basic Computer Science: As explained in social media why it will change the world
Reference No:- TGS01464155

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