
As detailed specifically in 4 healthcaregov is not just a

Health Insurance Market Place (healthcare.gov): A Project Management Perspective

The information:

Use information from:

1) "From the Start, Signs of Trouble at Health Portal(Which is in the attached PDF file)" and

2) "How the Federal Exchange Is Supposed to Work, and How It Didn't" (graphic) (Which is in the attached PDF file)and the following online articles:



toanswer the following questions. In addition, be sure to review: https://www.healthcare.gov

Provide well-supported claims and assertions that demonstrate and understanding of project management processes with a specific focus on "applying the work breakdown structure (WBS) to the project management lifecycle(Which is in the attached PDF file)". Writing must be at a college level, and responses must be clear and concise.

The questions:

1. As detailed specifically in (4), "Healthcare.gov is not just a website ...Healthcare.gov is a complex eligibility verification and determination application that is integrated with a data services hub that serves as a broker for all the requesters and responses that are coming from those authoritative sources."Speculate on how greater attention to WBS could have supported a more successful rollout? In articulating your response, provide a minimum of two (2) conceptual points and one (1) specific example across each of the recognized lifecycle phases of design, development, and deployment.

o Response should reflect an understanding of the nature, scale, and scope of the effort, as detailed in the readings.

o Specific example may be "hypothetical" but should be appropriate

2. Select one (1) of the lifecycle phases discussed in Question (1). Using the WBS in hierarchical outline form, offer a "high-level"(simplified) instantiation of a breakdown of the work that would be required to support the selected phase. Your instantiation should include some examples through level 4. (work packages)

o Again, response should reflect an understanding of the nature, scale, and scope of the effort, as detailed in the readings.

o Think as an engineer with an understanding of the engineering design process

3. As discussed in (3), "Beta can be your best friend. A beta site might not have been feasible for HealthCare.gov, but a minimally viable solution would have provided the environment needed for developers to test and improve the integration and the Website's underlying technologies. Wherever possible, CIOs should take advantage of user willingness to freely test beta developments" Offer some specific project management insights into how "beta" could be incorporated into the work of Healthcare.gov. Revisit your response to Question (2) and provide an iteration of your outline that includes appropriate elements that would support an integration of beta developments.

o Again, response should reflect an understanding of the nature, scale, and scope of the effort, as detailed in the readings.

o Think as an engineer with an understanding of the engineering design process: iterative nature of "doing" engineering

4. Provide a scope relationship diagram, with scope sequence for your response to Question (3).

Responses must be typed in Times New Roman, size 12 font, and double spaced. Text should be aligned left, or justified, with one-inch margins on all sides. Page numbers should be included in the top right-hand corner of each page. Pages should be printed single-sided, and stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Include a title pageincluding your name; your name should not appear anywhere else in the case study. Do not include a page number on the title page. Questions should be answered in the order they appear. All submissions should be based on the provided articles; however, outside sources CAN BE used to provide additional support.

Cite appropriately using IEEE style citations (excluding individual portion). All direct quotes should appear in quotations, and must be cited. Failure to do so will be considered plagiarism. All documents used, including the provided articles, should appear in your bibliography.

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Mechanical Engineering: As detailed specifically in 4 healthcaregov is not just a
Reference No:- TGS01736991

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