Explain your stance on the issue (My Stance: I'm against it because social promotion is nothing but a control mechanism in place to keep minority uninformed).
How does my stance differs from/conflicts with the legal and societal expectations.
As an educational leader, if this issue arose in your institution, what course of action would you take? Would that course of action be based on your personal values or ethical decision making? How would you sell your ideas to other leaders, parents, students, and the community?
If your ideas were not accepted, what would your fallback position be, if you had one?
Required reading -
Cook, J. W. (2012). Practicing ethical school leadership. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 5(7), 161-173. Retrieved from ProQuest.
Darden, E. C. (2014). Ethics at school: Let your conscience be your guide. Phi Delta Kappan, 95(5), 70-71.
https://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/school_law/ (School law blog, primarily PK-12)