As a team we pulled together to get the project finished

Reflection 1:

As a team, we pulled together to get the project finished. Like any team we had our ups and down. We were not always able to have the full team together every week for meetings but tried our best to communicate between each other keeping one another up to date with how everything is going.Some members of the group were great at putting their research and information into the Wiki early on and others were a bit slower at doing so.

I'll admit I was one who was not the best for putting my information into the wiki and I tended to leave it all till the last minute before I added my contributions due to external reasons. However, although we all contributed our findings at different times. The WIKI on stroke has come together nicely.

Finding lots of different references, images and videos. Furthermore, English is not my mother tongue so, sometimes I found it difficult to interact with the group members but I got a great support from the group to overtake this issue. On top that of working with the group gave me a chance to learn a new knowledge and experience from different sectors in the medical field.

Reflection 2:

One of the things I have learned through my experience within this particular assignment is that reflection is crucial in the terms of teamwork. My team consisted of a variety of sciences such as nursing, social working, diagnostic imaging and applied psychology.

Working with individuals from different sectors of humanities and social sciences like these, enabled me to expand my knowledge in other areas, except psychology, and to get to know the value of collaboration. As an interprofessional team we were speaking clearly and honestly to each other in order to reach effective communication.

Respecting wiki we divided the work which had to be accomplished. Each of us has been working separately on a specific part so that eventually our work would be completed. Through this wiki journey we have made progress and strengthen our team relations. However, English has not been the first language for all us, but this was not a barrier. Whenever someone did not comprehend fully something, concluding me in that, immediate help was provided from everyone. We all had equal rights to speech and we all paid attention as good listeners.

Conflicts were not included to our cooperation. We all brought our personal ideas and corrected each other when necessarily. I guess in the end this is what makes a great team. Overall, operating with these individuals has been my pleasure and I would not resist it redoing it in the near future.

Reflection 3:

At the beginning of this assignment I was afraid of working with group because English is not my first language but I end up enjoying the work with my group and learning many new skills. Also, I faced some problems with my time management, communication with group members and to upload our work to WIKI.

However, as a group these problems were solved by time administration in an appropriate manner by making time for each step in our WIKI, we made a group chat to make the communication easier and to be organised in our meetings to work on the WIKI.

The third problem is my problem which is represent references in text, but I communicated with the group members and they made it easier for me. That was exactly the primary goal in Working in Interprofessional Teams, to help and support team members to reach to perfect work in the future.

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Dissertation: As a team we pulled together to get the project finished
Reference No:- TGS02241667

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