
As a team leader how often has the team worked together

Please provide 1-2 paragraph response to the post below. Be sure to include intext citations and references listed in apa format.

Problem Statement

The use of Virtual teams to carry out organizational tasks have grown in the 21st century with the innovation of ICTs (Al-Ani et al., 2011). Approximately 66% of multinational organizations have virtual teams (Gilson, Maynard, Young, Vartiainen, & Hakonen, 2014).

The general business problem is that some business leaders undermine the importance of trust among virtual team members and lack strategies to build and maintain trust with their virtual teams. The specific business problem is that some team leaders in management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing companies lack strategies for building and maintaining trust in virtual multinational teams, which compromises their team members' job performance.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this qualitative, exploratory, single case study was to explore the strategies that team leaders use to develop and maintain trust in virtual multinational teams to help improve their team members' job performance. The participants were leaders of virtual teams and worked for multinational management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing corporations.

This corporation is on the Fortune 500 list and have headquarters in Dublin, Ireland but with a global presence in almost 32 countries. At the time that data were collected, team leaders were based in Dallas Texas, Lagos Nigeria, Mumbai India, London England, and Johannesburg South Africa.

By 4 revealing strategies that virtual team leaders can use to build and sustain trusting relationships, I hope to further help management practitioners develop strategies for building and maintaining trust in multinational teams and, hopefully, improve employees' job performance. The implication for positive social change includes providing organizational leaders' information that would help in selecting, training virtual team leaders and members, build trusting relationships, improve job performance, and reduce projects failure.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework underpinning this exploratory single case study is McAllister's (1995) cognition-based and affect-based trust theories for interpersonal cooperation in organizations. The foundation of cognition-based trust depends on job performance relevance such as competence, responsibility, reliability, and dependability through cognitive reasoning (McAllister, 1995).

Research Question

What strategies do team leaders use to develop and maintain trust in virtual multinational teams to improve job performance?

Interview Questions

1. As a team leader, how often has the team worked together under your leadership?

2. How often do you see your team members face to face?

3. How do you communicate with your team members?

4. What are your experiences using ICT?

5. How would you describe your experiences leading virtual team members?


I choose to use Owonikoko's study specifically due to it being a Walden dissertation. This, I thought, would help me to best identify the vital parts of a DBA study and understand Walden's standards for composing my own study.

Unlike other studies that are not written for Walden, and as identified in the quantitative assignment last week, the parts were clearly identifiable and labeled (problem, purpose, conceptual framework, research questions and interview questions). This made for a perfectly aligned study in regards to wording and cohesion which according to the DBA research handbook (2016) is vital to any Walden DBA study.

However, I did notice a few inconsistencies, such as the problem statement containing more than 4 sentences and being over 150 words. The focus of the study also contained several industries which could complicate the study and lead to variances in data based on different industry standards.

One recommendation for the author would have been to focus the study on one specific industry which would have secured the focus. Lack of focus could result in inconsistencies when reproducing this study and affect the reliability of the overall study.

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Dissertation: As a team leader how often has the team worked together
Reference No:- TGS02736171

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