As a salesperson for Procter & Gamble's soap division, you have been asked by your sales manager to determine the features, advantages, and benefits of Tide detergent and to discuss using Tide's benefits in a sales presentation at the next sales meeting. You have determined the following four features of Tide; listed underneath each feature are your ideas of factors that might interest retail grocery buyers. For each feature, determine the benefit that you would emphasize:
a. Number one selling detergent:
(1) Best traffic-pulling detergent.
(2) Great brand loyalty.
(3) High percentage of market share.
b. Four sizes:
(1) Increases your total detergent sales.
(2) Boxes are standard sizes.
(3) Case cost is the same.
c. Heaviest manufacturer-advertised detergent:
(1) Continues to attract new customers to your store.
(2) More customers remember this brand's advertising.
(3) Produces high repeat business.
d. Distinctive, colorful package:
(1) Speeds shopping-easy for shoppers to locate on shelves.
(2) High visual impact stimulates impulse purchases when on special display.
(3) Familiar package design easy to recognize in store ads.